To Forgive A Stranger


To Forgive A Stranger is a short story written from fall 2020 to winter 2021, as a sequel to To Be Saved. Taking a few months after the last story, To Meet A Stranger is about Renato, a young man from the village of Kishuta itself. Finally of age to join the Diviners, Renato ventures out to Zoltan's Quarters to find the collective in flux; after overhearing a vulgar and coarse argument between Hajnal and Timea from upstairs, Renato also comes across a completely new face in the entryway. While waiting for his chance to speak with Zoltan, Renato strikes up conversation with the newest Diviner, Bartalan, amidst other commotion in the Quarters; after Bartalan is briefly called away, however, Renato learns more about the newest Diviner, and upon Bartalan's return, Renato has to decide how he feels about someone he has only just recently met in tandem with his new life.

To Forgive A Stranger can be read here.

The above image was drawn by English artist Morten Morland. Note that Morland primarily works as a political cartoonist, and my use of his image is not an endorsement of his views.