Falling For You is a short story that acts as the fourth installment for the series of works inspired by Dungeons & Dragons. Continuing the trend started in the previous two works, Falling For You again stars the elven fighter Saeros Elendil, this time finding himself in the carved halls of Stonehaven, a part of the Dwarven Empire, many years since the events of Holidays In The Sun, but still before the events of Bring The Night On or Late Night People. Only able to pass the time by traveling the land and playing cards, he comes across a chance encounter with a youth named Soryn Cyanos, a far traveler like himself who also appears surprisingly knowledgeable about Saeros and his past. Following an encounter with a local gang, Saeros himself discovers more about Soryn's own chequered past than he expects, as well as a common link between the two from many years ago.
Falling For You can be read right here. It's about 7000 words long.
The above image was drawn by Lin+, whose art can be found here. Like before, while the figure above lacks some elvish features, I liked the design enough to want to use it to represent Soryn the half-elf.
Some author's notes can be found after the jump.