Bring The Night On is a short story that I wrote over the course of December 2020 to January 2021. I wrote it following my first few sessions of Dungeons & Dragons I had with a few friends, with the intention of helping flesh out my character, a human rogue named Silifrey Helder. Owing to this, Bring The Night On is about one of Silifrey's misadventures in the dark of the night, as she meets Elise, a street urchin, and teaches her what it means to be in debt to someone, and how to dangerous the streets truly are.
Bring The Night On can be read right here. It's about 3700 words long, and once again, any and all constructive criticism is welcome.
The above image was drawn by an artist named BALANCE, whose art can be viewed here
I had the above image saved to my images folder for several months, and ended up using it to create a token for use in Roll20's online interface. I intended for it to be a placeholder, but after a while, everyone got attached to the subject and I ended up sticking with the image for future sessions; the art, however, seemed more evocative of a cleric or a mage over a rogue, and as a result, I chose to write Bring The Night On in an attempt to address this discrepancy. As a rookie to roleplaying games, I also wrote the story in an attempt to define Silifrey's character and thought processes as I continue to roleplay as her.
Silifrey Helder herself was created in early 2015 for a separate campaign that ended up never happening due to circumstances in my personal life. I considered reusing the character for a number of other writing projects, including being one of Felicity's friends in The Unwelcome Visitors, but none of these projects ever panned out. After almost six years in hibernation, Silifrey finally got her chance to become her own character.
Like all of my other writings, this work received its working title from whatever song I was listening to at the time, in this case, Eve 6's Bring The Night On. While its lyrics have little relevance to the story in question, I enjoyed the title enough to keep it.
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