In Love This Way is the tenth installment of A Better Place, taking place quite some time after the previous story, The Great Curve, and canonically, it is also the last story to take place in the series. After being mentioned in passing for several stories now, Baroness Serra Celestia Anhera finally makes an appearance, returning to her high-end lifestyle in the upper echelons of high society in the grand Anhera Estate after a successful raid. With both of her parents out on other duties, Serra tries her best to enjoy her rare moment of solitude before being called to her city's grand botanical gardens; while there, she meets a close friend who holds a secret that can destroy not only Serra's life, but all of her family's reputation, only to find herself eventually fighting to keep both of their lives safe.
In Love This Way can be read here.
The above image was drawn by controlline3, whose online portfolio can be found here.