Machines On Titan


Machines On Titan is a short story I wrote in May to August of 2024, in the midst of other larger writing projects. Acting as a companion piece to the previous Photos From Europa, Machines On Titan looks at the Saturnian Bureau of Interplanetary Affairs, located on Titan, and its tech division. For the day shift, Cale and Ram, the tech division's most effective, but most unruly employees, have punched in, ready for the typical day of fixing up devices and technology from around the galaxy. While their superior does eventually come in with news of refugees that may need some tech repaired, a more pertinent task for the day involves a later middle-aged man from the nearby moon Dione, bringing in a particularly unusual bit of tech for the two to inspect.

Machines On Titan can be read here.

The above image was drawn by Bukimi Isan, whose online portfolio can be found here. While it's not quite evocative of what Melissa's appearance should be, I felt the basic concept of the image was fitting for this story's tone.