Flowers From Amalie

Flowers From Amalie is a short story I started in 2018, but did not finish until 2019 due to creative difficulties. Flowers From Amalie returns to a more realistic setting, involving Shane and his girlfriend Eva who come across an unusual flowergirl named Amalie in the downtown of their city that they try to learn more about, and eventually, try to help her out the best they can.

Flowers From Amalie can be read right here. It is about 5000 words in length. All constructive criticism is welcome.

Some notes from the author can be found after the jump.

To Be Saved

To Be Saved is a short story I wrote in over the course of 2019; the long lull in-between works came about due to educational and occupational obligations. Unlike most of my previous works, this story takes place in a fantasy setting loosely inspired by the Hungarian culture, featuring diviners who can cast magic to help others in need. To Be Saved focuses on Bartalan, a young man whose past causes him to seek out the help of the only person in the land whom he believes can help him. As Bartalan visits his quarters, he speaks with some students to learn about them, the Hermit Diviner known as Zoltan, and more about himself.

To Be Saved can be downloaded as a PDF right here. It's about 6050 words. All constructive criticism is welcome.

The above image was drawn by Marco Gorlei.

Lunch Break

Lunch Break is a short story based on Orange_Juice's QP Shooting ~ Dangerous!!, initially written in mid-2016 alongside A Warmest Welcome, but I only ended up finishing it in 2019 at the request of some of my jerk friends. Lunch Break is a prequel to the game and doesn't require having played the game to understand it; it features one of the characters from Syura, the Indie Games club president, wandering the halls of her school during lunch in hopes of finding anything for her next project. After a few minutes, she meets someone that can provide her with more than enough inspiration.

Lunch Break can be read right here as a PDF. It's about 2900 words long.

The title of this work was taken from a track featured on a soundtrack of various remixes for the games Suguri and Sora, both of which have been covered in this past.