Flowers From Amalie
Flowers From Amalie is a short story I started in 2018, but did not finish until 2019 due to creative difficulties. Flowers From Amalie returns to a more realistic setting, involving Shane and his girlfriend Eva who come across an unusual flowergirl named Amalie in the downtown of their city that they try to learn more about, and eventually, try to help her out the best they can.
Flowers From Amalie can be read right here. It is about 5000 words in length. All constructive criticism is welcome.
Some notes from the author can be found after the jump.
This story was primarily inspired by the time I lived in Grand Rapids, Michigan, particularly by my frequent commutes to a hospital internship where I had to bike by the infamous Pekich Park. Other inspirations include encountering the above image online, my recent interest in gardening, and an imageset online featuring a Ukrainian model wearing a leather trench coat that I have long since lost.
I was also interested in writing a story with no true ending, partially as an experiment to see if I could do such, and also because I couldn't find another way to truly end the narrative here. I was further inspired by a variety of vignettes a friend wrote about working in retail, where each story came to a meandering stop rather than a true "end". These vignettes can be read here, though I will warn you that friend is somehow even more cynical than I am.
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